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FW Ork Mega Dread Parts

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:54 am
by mangozac
Hey all,

I figure it's a long shot asking on here, but I don't know how kindly other forums would take to me asking such a question. So a couple of months back I scored myself a FW Ork Mega Dread from someone with the understanding that it was missing one of the upper leg parts (circled in the pic):


It was a good price and I just figured I'd scratchbuild a replacement. Well the parts are so insanely detailed and I no longer have the time so spend on such a scratchbuild :(

So I figured it couldn't hurt to ask if anybody had one still in pieces from which they could send me the part for me to duplicate in resin. I'd only need it for a day and will gladly pay for the postage both ways (cold hard cash or resin goodies) and a little extra for your effort.


Re: FW Ork Mega Dread Parts

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:06 pm
by mangozac
Thanks to one of our members I have got a solution sorted. This is a great forum we have! 8-)