by Malika » Mon May 16, 2016 9:28 pm
From what I've picked up around me on various forums people either think this is the end of Epic (as in the fan scene) or it will become a total revival. I'm a bit in doubt as to which it'll be. I guess 8mm Space Marines would make fine 'true scale' marines next to 6-7mm infantry. Titans and vehicles would be more accurately sized since in Epic the scales have always been off.
It's a smart move by GW, since they've basically turned a whole lot of third parties who've been producing proxies redundant. I can see their Age of Sigmar stuff (which is slightly larger than normal 28mm scaled models) being a step into a similar direction.
Luckily enough the stuff I've been doing for Vanguard Miniatures is slightly larger than the usual 6mm scaled stuff, meaning it might be compatible with GW/FW's upcoming 8mm range.
On the other hand, it'll all depend on how much attention/dedication GW/FW will give to this new range. If they'll end up ditching it in 2-3 years (which is a big possibility) the impact on the Epic community might not be that big at all.
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