expect to find my stuff thats still "in grey" on this thread.
a wip for stuff thats not finished or painted yet.
so to start:
my kitbash of an endurance class light cruiser. just did this today out of bits from the bitsbox.
what a simple job to do! the observant will see that its simply: 4 lance fittings, a chaos bridge a 40k chaos tank-smoke-grenade-launcher as an engine a, bit of a tau battlesuit-gun as a midships and a converted imperial prow(with bits from the old marneus calgar backpack and some imperial eagle wings) + 10 minutes and some glue! I will probably swap the prow out for something sexier afore painting...
here we have a few more bashes.
this time a dominator with a custom voss prow (from a section of a pair of scissors handle), chaos bridge, and featuring custom weapon batteries made from square plastic rod on plates from a 40k venerable dreadnought.
also displayed is a lunar with another custom voss prow (the only part painted as yet LOL), helian weapons and battlebarge engines, chaos bridge and funky ass-end. just something I was toying with.
finally we come to my mckay-class orbital weapon platform created from two kartcher pressure washer valves and and inner-part of a garden sprinkler... this was fun... more soon?