Just proving I'm still painting, albeit slowly this summer. I've really just been so slammed the past couple of months all I want to do in the evenings is sit doing nothing.

A bit of a side note here. I'm rather frustrated with the changes to the GW paint lineup. I painted these guys using Doombull Brown which is supposed to be the replacement for Dark Flesh. THESE COLORS ARE NOT THE SAME. I believe I salvaged it, but the initial colors did not have the same red tone that I got with Dark Flesh. I'm waiting on a bottle of Vallejo Dark Fleshtone to come in before proceeding as this appear to be a much closer match.
I'm also frustrated with how the new GW washes perform and their colors. Agrax Earthshade doesn't have the same look or properties as Delvan Mud. DM was far superior in applications due to it's tone. The same goes for Seriphim Sepia which is a completely different shade than the previous Gryphonne Sepia. I'm going to try replacing these with Army Painter Soft and Strong tones. Strong tone seems to be a dead ringer for Delavan Mud so I'm hoping I can just stop using the GW offerings. Too many color changes and name changes for me. I just want consistent colors I can replace or mix.