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Discussion of sculpting and scratchbuilding

Moderator: Wardens


Postby Warhound » Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:56 pm

Welcome to the Clinic.

To make your stay as comfortable as possible, we would like you to observe some guidelines which will make life easier for all inmates and keep the corridors clutter free.

Everyone is liable to start blogs at various stages of the process, and we would just like to make it easier for everyone to know where to resource threads/ ideas etc and at an efficient pace. To prevent any confusion please observe the following:

Modelling clinic
Construction stage. Any conversions, kit bashes, straight up assemblies, diorama construction and ship building, all to be done here. If the models contain sculpted parts, resin casts etc, this is all great fodder for those who yearn for inspiration! Basically, everything upto but not including total scratch builds/ sculpts. If you have a particularly inspiring WIP or 'how to' we will consider this for moving to the resource Forum.

Sculpting clinic
As we know there are those of you in here that prefer to only have the good hard hit, please consider this your environment. Whether it is a bust, vehicle or complete full body sculpt, if the model is pure wire/ dolly, plasticard and putty, base your work here. WIP's and even how to's are more than welcome.

Painting clinic
As described. This forum is for all models when their sculpt or construction have been completed. All forms of mini painting are encouraged, so whether you use oil, weathering powder, Acrylic, brush or airgun, please post here.

This is the Gallery area. All completed models/ dioramas and busts to be posted here. These models will be reviewed by the board on a regular basis and on occasion, we may view you worthy for parole consideration! This has its own merits and so, we aim to promote a sense of reward through pain.

We hope you will find this structure helpful as an inmate and as a visitor and look forward to seeing your creativity in all its forms!

The Board.
My work: ... und_photo/
My winners:
Superglue runs through my veins- what have you ever done for society?
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Resin Addict Collaborator
Posts: 230
Joined: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:13 pm
Location: Peterborough-UK

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