Hello there, nice to meet such a great, helpful community over the casting and molding projects!
I am a bit amateur, having experience only by molding small equipment parts with polymorph (instant mold) and green stuff/milliput.
I am willing to try rubber and resin. I am going to start playing with the resin, filling in polymorph 2-part blocks, to check what can be achieved. Not many expectation but those 28 mm models that I want to create will be for home use only. Later I will check rubber etc.
Sooo, my local market can provide me the rather cheap PROCHIMA SINTAFOAM resin
Sorry for couldnt find another (shorter ) link, but this is exactly the place I am going to buy it.
Maybe someone has tried it or has any opinion about it. I don't want something tha gonna make extremely precise details and stuff, but something cheeeeeeap and useful.