Hi All,
Just after a few insights from the assembled greatness.
After deciding that in balancing work, family, house, painting and teaching myself 3d one had to fall off the perch, I need to find a way of imaging potential new ship designs. I have plenty of time near a computer but not enough to learn something new.
I then came across this:
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a118/ ... ssShip.jpg
Unless anyone has seen this in approved GW artwork, I'm assuming someone has been playing a bit of chop and change, which sounds pretty cool to me. I do like to indulge in a huge amount of digital faffing about before getting into the bitz box and perhaps into the styrene, so does anyone have any insights on how this was done, or if they have done anything similar? It's done so neatly I figured someone must have written something groovy, in which case I must find it. If it's photoshop or something, I can get into that too.
Any one have any thoughts?