I disagree - Imperial ships are not at all a parody. The gothic inspired architecture and cathedral style may be unorthodox and extremely impractical, but as a style it is very regal and conveys the Imperial psyche very well.
Imperial prows may indeed have large eagles on them (note that they almost always include the wings as well, stylising the eagle more), but this is exactly the same way that sailing ships used to have figureheads. While you may not feel that practically there is little difference between an eagle head on the prow and the prow being an eagle head, aesthetically the difference is night and day.
I understand your intention of trying to convey megalomania through the eagle shaped prow, but I just don't feel that it's effective. Ultimately it's your project so you should do things the way you want, however after the amount of scratchbuilding I've done in that style I feel that I'm qualified to make these comments
Out of curiosity, what do you think of modern 40k Chaos designs (I'll tell you why I ask after you reply
Oh yeah I can make that....