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Casting Tutorial

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Re: Casting Tutorial

Postby James W. » Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:27 am

The tutorial is great, but I did have a question about venting a human figure with its arms outstretched and holding weapons. Am I likely better off positioning the figure head up or head down? How extensively should I vent the figure? Just at the end of the weapons or part way down the arm as well?

I know this is all somewhat dependent on the figure in question, but I hoped that there might be some good general advice when resin casting models with "spindly bits" .

James W.
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Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:27 pm

Re: Casting Tutorial

Postby mangozac » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:38 am

It depends on the casting process you're using. Vacuum? Pressure? Both?

For vacuum + pressure you could get away with vents just at the ends of the arms. Is the head a separate piece or sculpted as part of the torso? If the latter than feet towards the sprue is really the only option...
Oh yeah I can make that....
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Re: Casting Tutorial

Postby sportandmiah » Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:09 am

Wow, what a great thread for a newbie. Thank you for the thorough directions and pics.
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Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:37 am


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