I have sent this message as an email to all members, but in case it wasn't received I thought I should announce it here also.
The Resin Addict Forum has for eight years been an invaluable resource for so many people, only a fraction of which have actually joined and expanded on the discussion here. It makes me happy to know that we've been able to provide so much casting knowledge for so many people.
We started this forum because back in 2009 the discussion of casting techniques on mainstream wargaming hobby forums was almost verboten. A photograph of silicone moulds would get moderators all in a tizz! But now look where we are: so many small wargaming companies have popped up in the past 8 years, many doing their own resin casting. Casting has become a standard topic on all forums and people discuss it freely. It would be a bit delusional of me to think that this change was accelerated by anything I have done, but for a period this forum was a great resource for those who wanted to openly discuss casting techniques relating to wargaming miniatures.
With casting now being an openly accepted topic elsewhere the Resin Addict Forum is no longer particularly necessary. Personally, my interests have shifted somewhat and I no longer have the time or inclination to operate the forum any more.
It is with very mixed emotions that I announce that the Resin Addict Forum will be retiring from the 1st of March 2017.
I do however acknowledge the wealth of information contained within, so rather than dissolve the site completely my intention is to simply lock the forum into a read only state. It will still be completely accessible and readable for everybody but from the 1st of March there will be no new
posting or editing. Private Messaging will also be locked. You should still be able to login and view existing private messages, but if you have any important messages you'd like to keep please save it to your computer.
Please use the time before the lock to exchange contact details with anybody with whom you'd like to keep in touch.
I'd like to thank everybody for their support of the Resin Addict Forums over the past 8 years. Without your input and exceptional behaviour the wealth of knowledge we have here would never have reached this level.
All the best!