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Warhound's GD Sculpt and construction blog ±2010±

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Re: Warhound's GD Sculpt and construction blog ±2010±

Postby Warhound » Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:42 pm

Its ironic, as the head only utilises a landraider sensor optic, but I suppose I will concede that it is reminiscent of some imperial tech.

I just like it for its clear mecha feel ;) There is no reason not to use my reworked XV8 heads on this though to increase the 'pin head' feel? ;) I will cast both I think;-)

For the lower body, I agree, the back is too plain and too flat. The front will look a lot different as I only bolted the plate on to create a form, and this will be cut back and puttied to create a more smooth transition and then wack some detail on the top (panel line etc)

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Re: Warhound's GD Sculpt and construction blog ±2010±

Postby Warhound » Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:47 pm

I am liking my direction at the moment... the reason being is that I feel like there are no problems, just solutions, everywhere!

Started to rework the pelvis last night and realised that the up-armoured thighs actually could not stand straight as they caught on the XV9 pelvis trapezium shape. SO, having a look around for ways to remedy this, before then moving back to the whole up-armouring of the pelvis, I found one of my old XV8.2 torso's. This is the last of the casts, as the moulds had fallen into disrepair, and it meant that each torso that was cast needed more and more clean up work :cry:

So. taking this last torso, I realised that the positioning of the hip sockets was perfect to remedy the first issue... and then ..... it dawned on me.... it was a 'chunky groin' (trade marked! :lol: )

One swift hack sawing later and et voila' I have a groin that now tapers down, following the lines of the XV9 torso, also matches the increased front armour profile and sorts out the 'nappy look' :lol:

It then just took me 20 mins of very carefully dremelling out the original sockets to install some new style cups, which accept the thicker thighs and now all I have to do is detail his ass :o

SO, tonight will be finalising the shoulder mounted missile pods, detail his ass, fill some previous sprue mounting holes and then he can be cast!

IF there is anything amiss, out of place or just down right wrong, please holler now! Its the last chance before going to cast........!





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Re: Warhound's GD Sculpt and construction blog ±2010±

Postby mangozac » Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:28 pm

From the front it looks good. From the side it looks good. But from the front 3/4 shot there's something odd about the pelvis that I can't quite put my finger on. It is way better than the XV9 one though (told you so :P). Maybe the problem lays with how plain it is on the top side of the pelvis (around the cylindrical waist piece)? Looking forward to seeing how the ass turns out.
Oh yeah I can make that....
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Re: Warhound's GD Sculpt and construction blog ±2010±

Postby Warhound » Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:09 pm

I will be posting up some new images of the XV99 cast tonight, but in the mean time, here are some little side projects that I have been working on around the walker project;-)

With the Blood angles coming soon and owning the Space hulk Termies, I thought, why not start a new army (well atleast until the new Tau codex arrives!)

SO, here are some cast bases and new 'pre-heresy' style torso's heads and accessories to complement the main bulk of my army, which as you will see, sport on the main, MK4 helmets and torso's. I wanted them to be quite plain to contrast with all the bling that will come with the new kits...
The torso and heads are from the new Venerable Dread kit, merged with the back of a normal Terminator torso. I detailed the inside of the 'hood' to allow for all head varients (helmeted or not) and so can now have something characterful for my army;-)

As you can see, I think I have nailed precision casting and all without a pressure chamber!

What do you think?



and in the black to help pick out the details...





casts through to painted- 3 simple steps:
SPrayed white
Wash with Tau sept ochre
Drybrush with bone and ochre mix



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Re: Warhound's GD Sculpt and construction blog ±2010±

Postby mangozac » Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:38 am

"I can't believe it's not pressure!" :P

Seriously, that is some tight casting man! And the subject itself looks great. Finally a pre-heresy design that I really quite enjoy ;)

Great to know the bases are such a simple paint job to achieve. Will definitely give that a go at some stage!
Oh yeah I can make that....
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Re: Warhound's GD Sculpt and construction blog ±2010±

Postby axiom » Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:17 pm

I'm new to the board, and I love your work - some really interesting suits and great looking detail on the casts. I'm really interested in the JV6 suits - looking forward to seeing how they turn out - have you made any progress?
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